Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Physics Library: Doing Physics in .net Part II

Having just started getting into C#, I can already say that it’s a pleasure to work with – especially when used with its tightly coupled IDE, Visual Studio. Of course, being a physics/astronomy/computer science geek, I got straight to work doing some projectile physics in C# to see how it turned out. To get myself started on this blog, I’m going to write a couple of posts about doing physics in .net:

In part 1 I went over the benefits of F#’s units of measure over doing dimensionless math with C# (and most other languages). But if your project isn’t already in F#, it’s a little hard to benefit from it. Luckily, it’s easy to work between languages in .net managed code. You can build the F# library using the standalone installer and Visual Studio 2010 Shell. This is the F# code I left off with:


namespace FsPhysicsDemo

module Physics =
    [<Measure>] type m
    [<Measure>] type s

    let xf (xi : float<m>) (v : float<m/s>) (a : float<m/s^2>) (t : float<s>) =
        xi + v * t + 0.5 * a * t * t

    let v (a : float<m/s^2>) (t : float<s>) =
        a * t

    let deltaV (vi : float<m/s>) (vf : float<m/s>) =
        vf - vi

This works fine as a small library, but it’s a little annoying to work with. When the math was just done in C#, we had the benefit of it being object oriented—the parameters of the equation were all stored in the object—whereas with this code each parameter needs to be passed to a function. What makes it even worse is that we already have an object oriented projectile in C#, and then we go ahead and throw away the strengths of that setup:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Units of Measure: Doing Physics in .net Part I

Having just started getting into C#, I can already say that it’s a pleasure to work with – especially when used with its tightly coupled IDE, Visual Studio. Of course, being a physics/astronomy/computer science geek, I got straight to work doing some projectile physics in C# to see how it turned out. To get myself started on this blog, I’m going to write a couple of posts about doing physics in .net.

For part one, I’ll do a brief intro into F#’s units of measure.

So, when I got started on this C# projectile stuff, it started looking a little like this:

namespace CsPhysicsDemo
    class Projectile
        public const double g = -9.80;
        public double xi;
        public double yi;
        public double vxi;
        public double vyi;

        public double xf(double t)
            return xi + vxi * t;

        public double yf(double t)
            return yi + vyi * t + 0.5 * Projectile.g * t;

Nice. The variables stand for “x initial,” “velocity x initial,” etc. This compiles and works fine – but guess what. There’s a mistake in there. Can you spot it? It’s not easy. the yf() function is supposed to return the vertical position of the projectile at a given time – instead it returns its velocity, plus its initial displacement. Which, of course, doesn’t make sense. The problem here isn’t just that we forgot to square t, but that – despite the strongly typed nature of C# – there’s no type checking for what kind of double we’ve created in this math operation.